Welcome to our Online Registration.
Please read all items carefully. This is a contract.
This is a two-step process.
Step 1: Please complete the Online Registration Form below for each camper.
Campers are welcome to attend more than one week of camp, however this system only allows one camper per week per registration form. For multiple campers or multiple weeks, please complete a separate form for each.
Step 2: You will be automatically taken to the Payment page after you complete and Submit this Registration.
Everyone is required to pay a $25 non-refundable deposit. After your registration is handled by the Registrar, we will send out a confirmation email with details about any scholarship that was earned and your remaining camp balance.
If you do not receive a confirmation email with further important information, after checking your spam folder, please contact our office at cbmcampandretreats@gmail.com.
Note: If your camper earned a free week of camp, you will still need to pay a deposit, to reserve the camper's spot. The $25 deposit you make will then go to the canteen for that camper.
Online Registration Page
Junior Week 2
June 16-20, 2025