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Please look through these questions and answers.  If you still have questions, please contact me.  I will be happy to answer any questions I can. 

1. How can I earn a free week of camp?

     Camp Ta-Pa-Win-Go, located in Watauga, TN is giving a FREE week of summer camp this coming summer to students in grades 3-12 who complete 10 Mailbox Club Bible lessons between October and March and have not attended our overnight camp before.  (a $260 value.) 

2. Who is eligible for a free week of camp?

     Anyone in 3rd-12th grade who has never attended overnight camp at Camp Ta-Pa-Win-Go and who completes 10 Bible lessons by March 1st. 

3. What kind of camp discount can I earn?

     If you are in K-2nd grade, live in the Tri-Cities area, and complete 7 lessons by March 1st, you can earn a $25 discount toward Camp Ta-Pa-Win-Go's Day Camp.  If you are in 3rd-12th grade and have never attended overnight camp at Camp Ta-Pa-Win-Go, each lesson you complete by March 1st earns you a 10% discount.  If you complete 10 lessons by the deadline, you earn a free week of camp a ($260 value).  If you are in 3rd-12th grade and have attended overnight camp at Camp Ta-Pa-Win-Go, each lesson you complete by March 1st (up to 10 lessons) earns you a 5% discount.  If you complete 10 lessons by the deadline, you can earn 50% off (a $130 value). 

4.  When is the deadline for finishing lessons?

     The deadline for completing lessons in order to earn a discount for summer camp is March 1st. 

5. If I do lessons, does that mean I have to come to camp?

     Anyone can do lessons, even if they don't want to come to camp.  We even offer lessons for adults. 

6. Am I allowed to ask for help with my lessons?

     The purpose of the Mailbox Bible lessons is for you to learn about God.  If you need help with the lesson, it is fine for someone to help you read the lesson and find the answers.  However, before you ask for help, why don't you read the lesson carefully to yourself?  Most of the answers are easy to find in the lesson.  You are NOT supposed to have someone TELL you the answers. 

7. Why does it sometimes take so long to get my lessons?

     The projected mailing dates for this year are: September 14 & 28, October 12 & 26, November 16 & 30, January 4 & 19, and February 1 & 15.  If you do not return your lesson fast enough, it will arrive after I have sent a mailing.  If that happens, your next lesson will be sent with the next mailing, which is generally about two weeks later. 

8. Why did I start with a lesson other than #1?

     If you started with a lesson other than lesson 1, it is because that is where you stopped last year. 

9.  Why did I suddenly go back to lesson #1?

     Different courses have different numbers of lessons.  If you suddenly went back to #1, that means that you finished the course you were working on, and I started you on the next course or I've started you on a new course that is better for your age.

10.  Why did I stop getting lessons?

     There are several possible reasons.  Your lesson may have gotten lost in the mail.  Or, I may have sent you two lessons, and you returned only one.  Sometimes, however, it may just be a mistake on my part.

11.  What should I do if I stop getting lessons? 

     If you have not received a lesson within 2 weeks of mailing one to me, please contact me.  I will be happy to send you another lesson. 

12.  What's the best way to contact you?

     You can call the CBM Mailbox Lesson voice mail at (423) 930-8040.  You can also e-mail me at  

13. I have a friend who wants to do lessons.  How do I sign them up?

     DO NOT use the spot provided on the lesson.  Your friend can sign up here, or your friend can call 423-930-8040.  If you prefer, you can write your friend's name, address, grade, and birthday on a separate piece of paper and fold it inside the lesson when you return it.  (If you use our on-line answer sheet, you can put your friend's information in the comment box at the end of answer form.)  I will send a lesson directly to your friend.  

14. Why do I need to sign up "a friend" on a separate piece of paper?

     I often receive over 100 lessons in a day.  Sometimes I don't see right away if you've signed a friend up on your answer sheet.  If you use a separate sheet of paper, I'll see it more quickly and immediately add your friend to our database to be sent a lesson. 

15. What happens if I get too many answers wrong?

     If you miss too many answers, you will not receive credit for the lesson, and you will have to redo it.  We want you to learn about God.  I will send you a new copy of that lesson to try again. 

16. What should I do to mail the lesson back to you?

     You have 3 options.  1.  Answer online, by using the online answer sheets found here.  2.  Carefully tear or cut out the answer page.  Fold it so the label with your address is on the inside and ours is on the outside.  If you are sending back more than one answer sheet (including a sibling's), fold them together and use one stamp.  Write your name and address in the top left corner.  Put a small piece of tape on the three open sides (Do not seal the sides completely or glue the lesson closed or I won't be able to open it.)  Put a stamp in the top right corner and mail it back.   3.  You can also put the lesson(s) in an envelope and address, stamp, and seal it to mail it back.


111 CBM Camp Rd

 Watauga, TN  37694

(423) 543-2201 


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